Gymnastics is one of the most technical sports taught in the primary school PDHPE Curriculum. Classroom teachers are not properly equipped to teach gymnastics and many schools do not have access to the equipment or the time required to plan, set up and deliver a safe and effective gymnastics program.
The Be Skilled Be Fit Gymnastics Program is accredited with Gymnastics NSW as a Quality Assured School Provider. Our Program has been developed by elite gymnasts, coaches and teachers who have spent their life training, delivering high quality programs. Our Program will teach students; mini-tramp, springboard, rolls, cartwheels, handstands, beam & bars - not just balancing and gross motor skills.
We provide all the gear and equipment and store nothing at your school and send 2 qualified staff for each class. We provide teachers with the Curriculum outcomes that are covered during the Program and provide extensive reports for each individual student to the class teacher and school executive at the completion of the program so you can track changes in their ability over time.
We have heard many horror stories over the years of injuries and near misses as a result of poor programs but we have had outstanding results and feedback from our participating schools and are certain that our Program will meet and exceed all of your gymnastics requirements.